.. currentmodule:: mutiny.models .. _api-models: Models ====== Models are classes that are received from Revolt API and are not meant to be created by the user of the library. .. danger:: The classes listed below are **not intended to be created by users** and are also **read-only**. For example, this means that you should not make your own `mutiny.models.User` instances nor should you modify the `mutiny.models.User` instance yourself. If you want to get one of these model classes instances, you should do that by using appropriate methods and attributes on the `mutiny.Client`, `events`, and `models`. .. jinja:: autodoc {% for module, classes in grouped_classes("mutiny.models") %} {{ module.__doc__ }} {{ module.__doc__ | length * "-" }} {% for cls in classes %} {{ cls.__name__ }} {{ cls.__name__ | length * "~" }} .. autoclass:: {{ cls.__name__ }} :members: :inherited-members: {% endfor %} {% endfor %}